[1월22일 세계언론 속 아시아] 中 남수단·케냐 UN평화유지군 파견
중국 <CNTV> 왕이 외교부장 “중국-아프리카 협력은?서구의 ‘식민지배’와 달라”?
[아시아엔=편집국] 1991년 이후, 중국 외교부장의 연초 아프리카 순방은 관례가 됐다. 지난 1월 초, 왕이(Wang Yi) 중국 외교부장은 케냐, 수단, 카메룬, 적도 기니, 콩고 등을 순방하며 아프리카와 교역 및 투자 등 경제협력을 논의했다. 실제로 중국은 동아프리카 경제대국 케냐에 6억달러 규모의 공항건설에 투자하며 사회기반시설 투자를 확장하고 있다.
중국은 경제협력 이외에도 대외원조 중 반 이상을 아프리카에 조건 없이 제공하고 있다. 때문에 아프리카 국가들도 중국과의 관계증진에 관심이 많다.
한편 중국은 내정간섭 하지 않는 것을 외교원칙으로 해왔으나, 아프리카의 평화와 안보를 위해 적극 개입할 의향이 있다고 밝혔다. 중국은 UN평화 유지활동의 일환으로 내전 중인 남수단에 평화유지군을 배치해 지역의 평화유지를 위해 협조하고 있다.
하지만 중국이 아프리카의 천연자원을 차지하기 위해 관계를 증진한다는 평가도 있다. 왕이 중국외교부장은 이에 대해 “중국-아프리카 협력이 서구의 ‘식민지배’와는 다르며, 아프리카 생태환경을 훼손하지 않는 범위에서 ‘지속가능한’ 경제협력을 이어가겠다”고 밝혔다.
왕 부장의 순방은 아프리카 경제발전에 ‘활력소’가 될 전망이다. 중국-아프리카 우호관계는 인적자원, 천연자원 등을 활용해 지역경제 발전에 박차를 가할 것이다. 번역·요약 노지영 인턴기자
Wang Yi’s Africa visit: a shot in the arm
Since 1991, it has been a tradition for China’s foreign ministers to make Africa their first destination for official trips of the year.
Earlier this month, Wang Yi made his first official visit to Africa as Foreign Minister; he went to five countries: Kenya, Sudan, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Congo. The main aim of this tour was to strengthen ties between Beijing and Africa, and to discuss trade, investment, and to seek broader cooperation.
Wang began his visit in Kenya, where he made clear China wants greater engagement with East Africa’s largest economy. Already it is a big investor ? the 600 million dollar expansion of Kenya’s main airport is just one of a string of infrastructure projects China is involved in.
China says more than half its foreign aid goes to Africa, with no strings attached ? one reason why African countries are increasingly looking east.
Economic partnerships were also high on the agenda with Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and the DRC.
Wang assured the African leaders that China will help the countries’ industrialization while promoting sustainable development.
He also outlined plans for greater cooperation, particularly in farming, mining and infrastructure.
Although non-interference in domestic affairs has long been a principle of China’s foreign policy, China is ready to help maintain peace and security in Africa.
In Khartoum, Wang was involved in a consultation with the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development and the warring factions in South Sudan.
China has been trying to broker a peace deal in South Sudan for a year. And since long before South Sudan’s civil wars started, China’s engineers and medical staff have been serving in the country on the United Nations peace keeping mission. To reinforce the UN mission there, China has also deployed hundreds of peacekeeping troops in the war-torn country. Together with their counterparts serving in Liberia, the DRC and Mali, the Chinese peacekeepers are playing a critical role in helping maintain peace and security in Africa.
But the Chinese Foreign Ministry wants to send another message. Some critics have accused China of merely using Africa to secure its natural resources. Wang rebuffed those claims.
In an exclusive interview with China Central Television, he said China wants to see mutual benefits from exchanges and cooperation with Africa.
Wang stressed that China would never follow the track of Western colonists and that all cooperation with Africa would never come at the expense of the ecology, environment or long-term interests of Africa.
Wang’s new year visit to Africa has been described as fruitful. It is seen as a shot in the arm for Africa, with both sides working together to convert their potential in human and natural resources into strengths.