중국, IS 사태 적극 개입?···시리아 파병 가능성도

* ‘아시아엔’ 연수 외국기자가 작성한 기사의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=라드와 아시라프 기자·번역 최정아 기자] 수니파 무장단체 이슬람 국가(Islamic State, IS) 사태 해결을 위해 중국이 러시아와 이란, 이라크, 시리아 4개국과 협력할 것이라는 전망이 나왔다.

중동 매체 <알아라비>와 <알마스다르>는 “중국 군사 자문단(military advisers)이 수 주 안에 러시아 군부를 돕기 위해 협력할 것”이라고 7일 보도했다.

중국 외교부는 러시아와 지난해 9월 부터 군사협력을 진행해왔다. 홍 레이 외교부 대변인은 “중국 외교부는 이라크와 함께 러시아에 군사 정보원 활동 관련 훈련 지원을 보내기로 합의했다”고 밝힌 바있다.

중국은 이란, 이라크, 시리아, 러시아 4개국이 최근 구성한 ‘바그다드 정보센터’에도 참여할 것으로 보인다. 아랍 일간지 <알하야트>는 “중국이 IS 사태와 관련해 최근 4개국이 바그다드에 구성한 정보센터에 참여하고 싶다는 희망을 이란에 전달했다”며 “현재로선 중국이 IS에 정보를 수집·교류하는 수준에서 협력하고 있지만 군대 파병으로 이어질 가능성도 충분하다”고 6일 보도했다.

한편 러시아는 9월30일부터 시리아 공습에 본격 착수하며 주변국의 정세가 불안해졌다.


China prepares to join the fight against ISIS

Al-Masdar and Al-Arabi reported that Chinese military advisers are expected to join with their Russian counterparts in weeks. It comes after?China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said?that Chinese and Iraqi foreign ministers agreed to offer intelligence and personal training in September 2014. As China breaks it’s long history of non-interference, due to the threats that ISIS pose on China and its economy.

“China has been fighting terrorism and has been providing support and assistance to Iraq, including the Kurdish region, in our own way, and will continue to do so within the best of our capabilities,” Hong explained. As?China has shown solidarity with Syria, joining Russia vetoing UN proposals against Bashar al-Asaad.

Along those same lines a possible allegiance between Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria with the possibility of China joining in what’s called “Joint Information Center” in Baghdad against ISIS could prove to be a troublesome allegiance to the US and its allies. As it was said China’s J-15 warplanes would launch from an aircraft carrier for attacks on ISIS.

According to some media reports, “the main goal of the center will be gathering, processing and analyzing current information about the situation in the Middle East ? primarily for fighting ISIS.” With Iraqi army’s confirming their participation, and China sending military advisers as well.

Recently Russia has been deploying an attack after another on?”logistical infrastructure, command posts, training camps and bases” belonging to ISIS jihadists.

Previously their attacks included?strikes in the region around Deir Ezzor, their jets dropped bunker-busting bombs to destroy two ISIS command posts, hitting?ISIS fighters and a weapons plant in the Ghuta region in the Damascus province. According to reports by france 24, the deployed attack in Idlib province reportedly hit three field camps, including one that intercepted radio traffic suggested was holding foreign fighters, and in the coastal Latakia province, the strikes purportedly hit a fortified IS base setting off wider explosions.

Russia last week launched airstrikes in Syria at the request of its long-standing ally President Bashar Al-Assad.

Moscow says it is targeting the ISIS but US and Arab countries like?Saudi Arabia and Qatar?fear the Russian intervention is aimed at bolstering Assad’s regime, and keeps urging Russia to focus their?efforts on ISIS alone. While Egypt expressed how it?welcomes the Russian campaign as a measure to fight jihadist groups like ISIS.

Of course the clashing relations have a role in gaining the support of one country or another, as Egypt has been working on strengthening its relations with Russia, while Saudi Arabia is more dependent on US’s support.

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