[신년사·몽골] 바툴가 대통령 “최고의 복지는 일자리 창출”

할트마긴 바툴가 몽골 대통령 <사진=몬짜메통신>

[아시아엔=송재걸 기자] 할트마긴 바툴가 몽골 대통령은 “2021년 반드시 코로나19 위기를 극복하여 부강하고 공정한 나라를 만들겠다”며 “부정부패도 단호하게 척결해 나갈 것”이라고 밝혔다.

바툴가 대통령은 1일  신년사에서 “코로나19로 인해 일자리를 잃은 국민들을 복직시키기 위해 정부는 최선의 노력을 다하고 있다”며 “최고의 복지는 일자리 창출”이라고 밝혔다.

바툴가 대통령은 신년사 말미에서 “2021년에는 그 누구도 소외되지 않는 촘촘한 사회안전망을 견고하게 구축할 것”이라며 “우리 국민 모두 공정하고 평화롭게 삶을 재건할 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 천명했다.

다음은 영문 원문

Fellow Mongolians, the descendants of the great ancestors, and

the Mongols, our flesh and blood, scattered throughout the earth!

We meet again today a few moments before a new year ascends. The Year of 2021 is coming toward all Mongolians, bringing with itself hope and aspirations for the future.

The passing year of 2020 was spent in the midst of efforts to overcome the challenges that befell on us by the global pandemic. The twentieth year of the third millennium has taught us an invaluable lesson of loving our planet, cherishing each other as humanity, and realizing the values of unity and honesty.

These difficult times have shown the inevitable necessity before the Mongolian governance to exercise timely policies in order to strengthen livelihoods, integrity and economic independence.

A year ago today, I made a statement promising one-time write-off of loans of pensioners, from the first revenue of the commercialization of Salkhit silver deposit, retrieved as a state property based on the decision of the National Security Council. That seems like yesterday.

On the threshold of the coming year, to keep up with international practices for promoting livelihoods, national manufacturers and businesses, and to keep workplaces in these difficult times, I, as the President of Mongolia, once again put forward the proposal for distributing vouchers of 1 million tugrugs for households to purchase goods of national production.

For the past three years, the jurisdiction has been working successfully on the cases of secret offshore accounts of oligarchs.

As You all know, since I assumed office, I have demanded the independence of jurisdiction.

In the fight for protecting justice, the staff of jurisdiction and law enforcement have been loyally observing their duties before the public, the people. For instance, investigations have begun unfolding concerning white-collar crimes, in other words, the crimes of stealing the opportunities from ordinary citizens and embezzling state and public properties.

These are the part of my fight to reclaim justice and to provide opportunity for citizens to yield equal benefits from the national wealth, as provided by the Constitution.

This fight goes on, however, through a storm of difficulties.

Fair distribution of wealth cannot be limited to one or two occasions. Instead, it must be exercised through sustainable policies with a principle, which dictates that “workplace is the best welfare”.

The citizens of Mongolia are the very root of Mongolian statehood.

May the Year of 2021 bring peace and health to the world, happiness and peace of mind, and most importantly, justice to our people!

May the Eternal Heaven bestow upon us the universal gift of gratification and prosperity!

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