러시아 군부실세, 스리랑카 독립기념일 축하사절, 대통령 등 면담···양국 수교 63주년

Oleg Salyukov 러시아 육군총장이 스리랑카 군을 사열하고 있다.

[아시아엔=레오 니로샤 다르샨 스리랑카 <익스프레스 뉴스페이퍼> 기자] 러시아 육군의 올레그 살류코프(Oleg Salyukov) 참모총장이 스리랑카 정부 초청으로 스리랑카를 방문했다.

스리랑카 군부 실력자 샤벤드라 실바(Shavendra Silva) 장군 초청으로 스리랑카 독립기념행사 참석차 방문한 살류코프 장군과 수행원들은 5일간 스리랑카에 머물며 고타바야 라자팍사 대통령, 라닐 위크레메싱게 총리와 각군 지휘부를 만났다.

그는 또 스리자예와르데네푸라에 위치한 전쟁영웅기념비 등을 참배했다. 살류코프 장군 일행은 특히 스리랑카 군사령부 및 기갑부대 등을 방문했다. 살류코프 장군 등 러시아육군참모부는 4일 제72주년 스리랑카 독립기념행사에 귀빈으로 참석했다.

스리랑카와 러시아는 1957년 2월 19일 외교관계가 공식수립된 이후 지난 63년간 광범위한 교류를 통해 돈독한 외교관계를 이어가고 있다.

러시아는 실론 차의 최대수입국 중 하나이며 교육, 무역, 문화, 어업, 관광 등 다양한 분야에서 양자협정을 통해 스리랑카와 교역을 하고 있다. <번역 및 요약 송재걸 기자>

다음은 기사 원문

Russian Commander-in-Chief of Land Forces in Sri Lanka

By:Leo Nirosha Darshan – Express Newspapers

General Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of the Russian Federation, a combat veteran with 45 years in service and decorated with orders and 9 medals is in Sri Lanka on a five-day long goodwill tour at the invitation of Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, acting Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.

His delegation includes Deputy Chief of the Main Land Forces Staff, Assistant to Commander-in-Chief, and two officials (and his spouse). During the stay of the Russian Commander-in-Chief of Land Forces, General of the Army Oleg Salyukov, he is scheduled to call on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister, acting Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Commander of the Navy, Commander of the Air Force and pay tribute to War Heroes’ Monument at Sri Jayewardenepura before he visits the Sapugaskanda Defence Services Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka Armoured Corps Regimental Centre and several other places of interest.

The visiting Commanding General of the Army and Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of Russian Federation will also be a special distinguished guest at the 72nd National Day celebration at Independence Square on 4 February 2020.

The delegation, in addition to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Land Forces, is comprised of Major General Vladmir Sviridov, Deputy Chief of the Main Land Forces Staff, Colonel Igor Shtin, Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief, Senior Lieutenant Sergei Zviagintsev, Interpreter, Damir Khusnutdinov, an official and Mrs Saliukova Irina, Spouse of the Land Force Commander.

Russia and Sri Lanka record a history of more than 62 years after diplomatic relations were formally established on 19 February 1957. With long-lasting ties, fruitful and extensive exchanges in different spheres between the countries. Both countries have reached new heights with stronger economic ties, particularly with Russia being one of the largest importers of Ceylon Tea and with the signing of a number of bilateral agreements in various fields of cooperation which include education, trade, culture, fisheries, and tourism, among others.

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