중국-파키스탄, 육로·해로 잇는 경제공동체 결성

*아시아엔 해외필진 기고문을 한글번역본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=나시르 아이자즈 아시아엔 파키스탄 지부장] 중국국제무역촉진위원회(CCPIT)와 파키스탄상공회의소연맹(FPCCI)이 육로와 해로를 잇는 경제공동체를 결성했다. 이 공동체는 양국의 주요 상공회의소 17개소를 주축으로 출범했다.

이와 관련해 아티프 이크람 셰이크 FPCCI 회장은 “파키스탄이 국제무대에서 이룩한 주요 성과”라며 광물, IT, 농축산, 가공식품, 인프라, 대체에너지 등 여러 분야에서 투자 및 무역 기회를 모색할 것이라 설명했다.

China, Pakistan Apex Trade Bodies Form Alliance for Land – Sea Corridor
By Nasir Aijaz, The AsiaN Representative

The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI), the apex trade bodies of two countries, have formed an alliance for land – sea corridor; which comprises of chambers of commerce & industries of 17 regional, sub-regional and economically-significant countries.

Mr. Atif Ikram Sheikh, President FPCCI, who participated in the session of the aforementioned alliance as the founding member, held in Chongqing, China, said in a statement here on October 24, 2024 that it is an important achievement for Pakistan on the international stage.

“It is a landmark development,” Atif Ikram said, adding that the FPCCI will explore investment, joint ventures and trade opportunities in mines & mineral; information technology and IT-enabled services; agriculture & livestock; food processing & storage; infrastructure development and renewable & alternative energy sources with their Chinese counterparts.

The high-profile FPCCI delegation to the Alliance of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of International Land – Sea Trade Corridor also included Mr. Malik Sohail Hussain, Chairman Coordination, FPCCI and Mr. Karim Aziz Malik, Chairman Capital Office, FPCCI.

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