레바논 출신 파리지앵은 왜 ‘창문’ 그림에 몰입할까?


빌랄 바살 ‘아시아엔’ 파리특파원 쿠웨이트서 미술전

[아시아엔=편집국] 레바논 출신으로 파리에서 일러스트레이터로 활동중인 빌랄 바살 <아시아엔> 파리특파원은 “문은 주로 잠겨 있지만 창문은 거의 언제나 열려 있어 좋다”고 한다.

빌랄 바살 특파원은 “사람들은 창문을 통해 이웃과 소통하며 나를 돌아보게 된다”며 “창문은 모양도, 크기도 다르지만 이를 통해 사람들은 바깥세상을 배우고 있다”고 말한다.

‘파리의 이방인’ 빌랄 바살은 파리지앵들의 창문을 관찰하고 응시하면서 고국 레바논을 되돌아보는 습관을 갖게 됐다고 했다. 그가 10년 가까이 작업한 창문을 소재로 한 전시회를 고국과 인접한 쿠웨이트에서 11월 22일부터 12월 2일까지 여는 것도 바로 그런 이유에서다.


Who is Bilal Bassal?

Bilal Bassal was born in Beirut 1973, currently living and working in Paris.

Gained a diploma in drawing and painting from the Institute of Fine Arts at Lebanese University in 1999. He then settled down in France, where he studied The Art of Engraving and Printing at ?colesup?rieure des arts appliqu?s Duperr? Paris. Bilal currently works primarily in art and advertising.

He held his first exhibition in 2000 in Beirut. His second major appearance was in 2002 when he took part in the 12th Space International Print Biennial in Seoul, where he was awarded the selection Prize. Consequently, his work was displayed at the Museum of the Sungkok in Seoul. Since then, he participated in many art exhibitions held in Lebanon, France, Tunisia, Spain, Germany and Korea.

He is a prolific artist who has produced a good number of drawings for media organizations, such as the discontinued Lebanese Al-Nokkad magazine, Le Monde Diplomatique magazine ? Arabic edition published in France and the Kuwaiti Al-Arabi magazine. He is keenly interested in illustrations produced for kids. Hence, he is a member of the jury at the Museum of children’s drawings on the Internet Le Muz in France. He also writes on art for several cultural magazines, including the Kuwaiti Al-Arabi magazine, the Abu Dhabi ? based Turath and Magazine N in South Korea.




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