“그루지아-러시아 갈등 협상 통해 풀어야”

2008년 8월 22일 러시아 군대가 그루지아 내 초소를 떠나고 있다. <사진=신화사>

그루지아 외교부 전쟁 6주년 맞아 성명 발표

2008년 8월 러시아-그루지아 전쟁이 발발한지 어느새 6년이 지났다. 현재까지 러시아군은 남오세티야를 비롯한 그루지아 영토의 20%에 달하는 지역을 ‘점령’하고 있다.

그루지아 외교통상부는 러시아-그루지아 전쟁 발발 6주년을 맞아 성명을 발표하고 “현존하는 갈등을 협상을 통해 풀 것”을 촉구했다.

12일 주한 그루지아 영사관에 따르면 그루지아 외교통상부는 최근 발표한 성명서에서 “2014년 8월 7일은 러시아가 그루지아 영토를 점령한지 6년이 되는 날”이라며 “러시아는 그루지아의 아브하즈와 츠힌빌리 지역에서 무장 점령중이고 이에 따라 지역 주민들은 그들의 기본권마저 침해받고 있다”고 주장했다.

이에 따라 그루지아 정부는 “지금까지 러시아와 여러차례 협상을 벌여왔지만 별다른 진전이 없었다”면서 “지금까지 지속되어온 갈등을 평화적·점진적으로 해결하고, 국제법에 근거한 기본권을 회복시켜야 한다”고 강조했다.

다음은 성명서 전문이다.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia regarding the 6th anniversary of the August 2008 War

7 August 2014 marks the sixth anniversary of Russia’s aggression against Georgia and occupation of the territories of a sovereign, independent state. Six years after the August 2008 war, occupation forces still exercise effective control over the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali. As a consequence, fundamental rights of the local population are severely violated and the hundreds of thousands of victims of the several waves of ethnic cleansing are deprived of the right to safe and dignified return to the places of their original residence.

Notwithstanding numerous calls from the international community, provisions of the Ceasefire Agreement of 12 August 2008 remain disregarded and unfulfilled. In full negligence of international obligations, barbwire fences and other artificial obstacles are being installed across the occupation line, which infringes civil, social and economic rights of local residents, primarily, their right to the freedom of movement.

Unfortunately, no progress has been achieved on important agenda items considered within the Geneva International Discussions, despite the efforts of Georgia and the Co-Chairs of the Discussions. The Russian Federation still refuses to adequately respond to the unilateral pledge on the non-use of force undertaken by Georgia in 2010 and later, reinforced with the Resolution of the Georgian Parliament on 7 March 2013. Attempts to establish international mechanisms in the occupied regions are openly opposed; as a result, these territories have turned into “black holes” and become “the most inaccessible places on earth”, as observed by the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights.

The Georgian side considers unacceptable to use the Geneva International Discussions as a tool for advancing one’s political goals through changing the format and agenda of the Discussions. Georgia highly values the firm position of the Co-Chairs on the absolute necessity to preserve the consensually agreed format and agenda of the Geneva International Discussions. Georgia is committed to further continue constructive engagement in the Discussions with the aim to resolve the outstanding political issues between Georgia and Russia, first and foremost, to guarantee the full implementation of the 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement.

Six years after the August 2008 war, Georgia still strives for the de-escalation of relations with the Russian Federation and peaceful settlement of conflict, based on the fundamental principles of the international law. To this end, Georgia has undertaken a number of concrete, substantial steps, including the launch of unconditional dialogue on the resumption of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations with Russia. Alongside with the phased normalization of relations with Russia, the European and Euro-Atlantic integration remains at a core of Georgian foreign policy. The government of Georgia spares no effort to fulfill the choice and aspiration of the Georgian people and to make substantial steps towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Signing of the Association Agreement as well as the DCFTA is the best testimony to this.

The Georgian Government stands strong in its belief that the development of a statehood based on the shared democratic values is the best and the most effective tool for the restoration of territorial integrity.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs if Georgia would like to seize this opportunity and once again expresses its deepest sympathy to the families of the Georgian soldiers and civil population who fell a victim to the August 2008 War.

7 August 2014
George Khabelashvili
Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Korea

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