말레이, 이례적 ‘핵안보정상회의’ 참석 ‘핵무기 위협’ 경고
* ‘아시아엔’ 해외필진 기고문의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.
[아시아엔=노릴라 다우드 전 CAJ 회장·번역 최정아 기자] 말레이시아 아흐마드 자히드 하미디 부총리가 미국 워싱턴에서 열린 핵안보정상회의(the Nuclear Security Summit, NSS)에 이례적으로 참여했다.
하미디 부총리는 지난 3월31일~4월1일 양일간 정상회의에 참석해 테러위협과 세계안보에 대해 논의했다. 아흐마드 자히드는 “말레이시아는 국제사회에 핵무기의 위험성과 심각성에 대한 관심을 촉구했다”고 밝혔다. 회의에 참석한 각국 정상들 또한 핵위협에 대한 국제적인 관심과 조치가 필요하다는데 동의했다.
또 부총리는 수잔 라이스 백악관 국가안보보좌관, 안소니 블린켄 국무부 차관 등 다양한 미국 고위급 관계자들과 남중국해 분쟁 등 안보문제에 대해 논의했으며, 미국 기업인들과 말레이 현지 투자에 대해 논의를 나눴다.
Malaysia’s commitment to support nuclear safety globally
Malaysia has gained much exposure from the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) which was held in the United States of America (USA) recently even though the country has not much expertise and active in the field.
The presence of the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi at that important summit held on 31 March till 1 April was very pertinent especially on issues pertaining safety threats around the globe.
Above all, the Malaysian government which was represented by Ahmad Zahid had convinced the summit of its commitment to support any form of initiatives to establish nuclear safety globally.
The prime discussions at the summit which was attended by 52 other countries amongst others was about safety and the sustainability of peacefulness around the globe especially involving the sales of nuclear weapons.
Ahmad Zahid as quoted by the “Utusan Malaysia” said, “We urge all countries in the world to give attention seriously towards the wrongful use of nuclear weapons”.
The summit also focused on the ways to prevent nuclear aggressions globally and subsequently taking various measures on weapons used.
Ahmad Zahid added, many issues have been discussed with many American leaders, among others, the United States National Security Advisor, Susan Elizabeth Rice; Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), John Brennan; Deputy Secretary of State, Anthony J Blinken; and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Russel.
The minister added, amongst the issues discussed is the exemption of visa for Malaysian citizens to enter USA and the security issues in the South China Sea and the bordering countries.
The Deputy Prime Minister also had the opportunity to meet some American business leaders and briefed them the big potentials Malaysia is offering.
Some investors he said, had indicated to increase their investments in Malaysia.