서울서 만난 스탠리 큐브릭의 모든것···오스카트로피부터 비난의 편지들까지


* ‘아시아엔’ 연수 외국기자가 작성한 기사의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=글·사진 라훌 아이자즈 기자·번역 김아람 기자] 스탠리 큐브릭. 영화 팬이라면 누구나 한번쯤 들어 봤을 법한 이름이다. 그는 (1968) <시계태엽오렌지>(1971) <풀 메탈 자켓>(1987) 등 역사에 길이 남는 명작들을 만들어냈다. 특히 인류 역사와 기계 문명에 대한 철학적인 성찰을 담아낸 는 SF영화의 전환점을 만들어내며 스티븐 스필버그, 조지 루카스 감독 등 여러 감독들에게 영감을 줬다.

기자는 한국에서 큐브릭 전시회를 만날 기회가 있을 거라곤 상상도 하지 못했다. 그 와중에 서울에서 아시아 최대규모로 ‘스탠리 큐브릭 전’이 열린다는 소식을 들었을 때 얼마나 놀랐던지! 전시회에는 큐브릭 감독이 실제로 영화 제작 당시 사용했던 각종 소품들과 의상 및 세트장이 전시돼있었으며, 그의 필모그라피를 한눈에 엿볼 수 있도록 각 작품마다 전시관이 나뉘어져 있었다. 이뿐 아니라 큐브릭 감독의 미공개 영상과 미완성 유작까지 확인할 수 있는, 그야말로 그의 일대기를 집대성한 전시회였다.


여러 전시물 가운데 눈길을 끌었던 것은 <시계태엽오렌지>에 등장하는 코로바 우유가게(마약이 들어간 우유를 파는 가게)세트장과 의 태아 모형, 공포영화 <샤이닝>의 주인공인 소설가 잭이 사용하던 타자기였다. 큐브릭 감독이 영화 관계자들과 기자들에게 받은 비난의 편지들도 색달랐다. 그의 영화 <닥터 스트레인지 러브>(1964)와 <시계태엽오렌지>가 폭력을 미화하는 메시지를 담고 있다는 이유에서였는데, 이에 굴하지 않고 그가 세상을 바라보는 자신만의 시각을 영화로 담아냈기 때문에 많은 명작이 탄생할 수 있었다는 생각이 들었다. 이 밖에도 큐브릭 감독이 (1968)로 수상한 오스카 특수효과상과 1997 베니스국제영화제에서 받은 황금사자상이 눈에 띄었다.

자료수집부터 개봉까지 철저한 계획을 세우는 완벽주의 성향으로 유명한 큐브릭 감독의 실험정신으로 똘똘 뭉친 작품들에 기자는 감탄을 금할 수 없었다. 전시를 둘러 보는 내내 얼마나 설렜던지 모른다. ‘스탠리 큐브릭 전’은 오는 3월13일까지 서울시립미술관에서 만나볼 수 있다.


Celebrating Stanley Kubrick’s genius in Korea

If you’re a film nerd, you may have already heard the name ‘Stanley Kubrick’. If you haven’t, you just did. So read on!

When there’s a debate about the greatest film directors of all time, one name that constantly comes up is of ‘Stanley Kubrick’. The director of some of the most memorable films in the history of cinema like 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket, Kubrick’s contributions to the cinema are priceless.

The man was so ahead of his time that his epic space drama A Space Odyssey is still the benchmark for sci-fi genre films. More than four decades later, A Clockwork Orange still shocks the audience and, The Shining has gained the status of a classic horror film throughout the decades. The man behind films in such diverse genres ? from horror to war films to sci-fi, historical and socio-political commentary ? was surely a genius. Kubrick excelled in everything he tried.

I never expected Kubrick to have a following in Korea, but a large of visitors at the latest Stanley Kubrick exhibition at the Seoul Museum of Art in Seoul proved me wrong. The exhibit was full of vintage props, recreation of sets used in his films and relics from his life’s work.

Different halls were set with scenes from various Kubrick films, showcasing original costumes and props. One that fascinated me more than anything was the room with statuettes from A Clockwork Orange’s Korova Milk Bar. Just looking at the dimly lit room with white naked figures staring at me, reminded me of the first shot of the film ? the lead character Alex and his ‘droogs’ sit in front of the white naked figures, drinking milk and as Alex’s penetrating eyes stare into the camera as it tracks out.

Another ‘attraction’ was the infant prop used in A Space Odyssey. The fans of the film will surely recognize the beauty and significance of it. The film was a masterpiece that’s still relevant to this day. The most beautiful thing for a film student or a filmmaker was to see the technique Kubrick had used to stage the pre-historic era with apes.

Among multiple halls and two floors were nostalgia, excitement and reliving of Kubrick’s genius for his most fanatical followers. What excited me the most were some of the letters from producers and journalists to the controversial filmmaker, blasting him for his provocative films like Dr. Strangelove and A Clockwork Orange, which angered everyone for their socio-political commentary and in the latter’s case, apparent glorification of violence. Letters of people of significance bashing Kubrick for being a shame to the country for producing work criticizing the war (therefore naturally, criticizing the war heroes) was a real treat to see as eventually, it didn’t stop him from stating what he felt through his films.


A hall with a couple small rooms exhibited items from The Shining. Jack Nicholson’s typewriter, walls covered with “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” written on long paper rolls and the original dresses of the twins from the film in a showcase. The only thing missing was the hallway carpet with the iconic pattern on it, which could have taken the experience to another level. As a ghostly projection of the twins from the movie appeared and disappeared in the corner, I moved into a different hall.

A collection of film slates from Kubrick’s productions, such as Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut among others, was a real treat to look at. Storyboards of films like Dr. Strangelove adorning the orange walls, projections of clips from Kubrick’s films while the soundtracks played in the background, all made up for an exciting experience.

Another treat was to see the original Oscar award that Kubrick won for the special effects for 2001: A Space Odyssey and the Golden Lion he received at the International Film Festival Venice in 1997. Among his personal items were his chess, and a huge library containing books about Napoleon, which he had collected for his research for ‘the greatest film never made’.
As I exited the last exhibition hall, I thought, “Is that it?”

Perhaps, I was expecting Stanley Kubrick coming back to life and greeting me at the end. I sighted the art shop and ran into it to get some memorabilia ? a diary, cards and a bag – in remembrance of perhaps ‘the greatest director of all time’ and leave for home.


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