아시아기자협회 성명

[성명] 아시아기자협회 “이란 대통령 사망 유감…중동 평화 위해 함께 하길”

이란 라이시 대통령 <사진=EPA/연합뉴스>

아시아기자협회(AJA·회장 아시라프 달리)는 21일 에브라힘 라이시 이란 대통령 사망과 관련해 “이란 국민과 이웃 국가들이 보다 평화롭고 안전한 미래를 위해 함께 노력해주길 당부한다”고 밝혔다.

아시아기자협회는 “우리는 우리는 저널리즘적 입장에서 라이시 대통령 죽음과 관련해 떠도는 음모론에는 어떠한 관심도 기울이지 않을 것”이라며 “생명의 언어인 이성적인 대화의 언어가 궁극적으로 승리할 것이라고 믿기 때문”이라고 말했다.

아자는 이와 함께 “아시아기자협회는 아시아 나아가 세계평화와 안전을 위해 전쟁의 불길과 전쟁의 언어를 쫓아내는데 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.

다음은 성명서 전문이다.

The death of the president of any country is an exceptional event, especially if that departure occurred during a plane crash, as was confirmed with the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

The Asia Journalist Association(AJA) does not view the departure of the Iranian leader from the point of view of Iranian society, whose reactions were divided between the sadness that spread on the faces of thousands of people gathered at his funeral, and the joy that made a section of that society see in the crash of the late president’s plane as retaliation for his role in the purging of thousands of opponents, which was evident in comments that flooded social media, and fireworks launched by them here and there.

Also, from our journalistic position, we do not pay attention to the conspiracy theory, which takes us away from what is most important, which is the future of the hot region in the continent of Asia after the sudden departure of the head of a country whose relations with its neighbors has a lot of controversy.

The Asia Journalist Association(AJA) calls on all parties to work together for a more peaceful and safer future for all Iranian citizens and their neighbors, and believes that the language of rational dialogue will prevail in the end, because it is the language of life. The fire of battles must be extinguished and the language of war must be extinguished with it.

In AJA we will do our best to expel the language of war and fire for peace and security in Asia and the world.(End)


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