아랍연맹, 여성의 날 맞아 ‘아랍여권신장 15년 계획’ 발표

* ‘아시아엔’ 연수 외국기자가 작성한 기사의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=라드와 아시라프 기자·번역 최정아 기자] 아랍연맹이 ‘아랍여권신장’(Arab Women Empowerment) 15년 계획을 채택했다. 이는 여성의 정치, 경제, 사회적 지위를 높이기 위해 마련됐다. 아랍연맹은 이번 계획을 통해 여성 폭력을 철폐하기 위한 시스템 마련에 힘을 기울일 예정이다.

아랍연맹은 “최근 아랍지역의 복잡한 정치적 상황 때문에 여성과 아동들이 테러와 폭력에 쉽게 노출돼있다. 아랍연맹은 아랍여성들의 안전과 평화를 지키기 위한 계획을 실행해 나갈 예정이다”라고 밝혔다.

여성의 경제적 역량을 증진시키기 위한 계획도 마련된다. 정부 기관, 사설기관 등 시민사회와 함께 협력해 아랍 여성의 경제적 독립을 지원해주는 것이다.

한편 팔레스타인 수감자 석방과 같은 팔레스타인 여성 인권에 대한 조항도 들어갔다. 아랍연맹은 이스라엘에 억류된 팔레스타인 여성들을 위해 투쟁하고 있는 여성 대원들에게 지지를 선언한 바 있다.

Arab League adopts a new women empowerment plan

Arab League announced adopting the “Cairo declaration of Arab Women and the strategic plan of Arab Women Empowerment (2015 ? 2030)”, which aims to achieve some advancements for women’s political, economic and social situation, as well as putting forward mechanisms to eliminate violence against women.

In a statement issued by the Women, Family, and Children sector on 8th March celebrating International Women’s Day, they celebrated Women’s efforts for the prosperity of their societies. The Statment says: “It’s only after realizing the solid correlation between providing safety for women and achieving prosperity, and in light of current political situation in the region and what women go through from occupation and displacement to violations, loss of children and terrorism in the name of religion, that the Arab League decided to issue a work plan titled “Protecting Arab Women: Peace and Safety” as a framework for Arab countries to follow in their upcoming plans for protecting and empowering women, as they should play a vital role in negotiations, peace-making, and reconstructions.”

The statement also revealed their interest in economic empowerment of women through launching “Khadiga,” a platform for women in the Arab world to achieve economic independence, dealing with concerned government agencies such as financing institutions, private sector, and civil society entities.

The league also praised the pioneering role played by Palestinian women in their struggle for their homeland, countering the Israeli authorities practices against Palestinian captive women.

As their statement includes a number of articles regarding Palestinian women’s rights such as the release of prisoners, stopping arbitrary arrests of Palestinian women, applying international humanitarian and human rights law, and activating the mechanisms of protection of women in situations of armed wars and conflicts in accordance with international charters.

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