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카마르 자베드 바즈와(Qamar Javed Bajwa) 파키스탄 육군참모총장

[아시아엔=나시르 아이자즈 <아시아엔> 파키스탄 지사장] 임란 칸 총리는 최근 카마르 자베드 바즈와 육군참모총장의 임기 연장을 승인했다고 총리실이 발표했다.

바즈와 총장은 전임 정권에 의해 임명된 사람이어서 임란 칸 총리가 그의 임기를 연장한 것을 국민들은 매우 이례적인 일로 받아들이고 있다.

애초 오는 11월 퇴임하기로 돼 있던 바즈와 장군은 임기가 3년 더 늘어남에 따라 2022년까지 육군참모총장직을 수행하게 된다.

바즈와 장군은 2016년 11월 현재 수감중인 나와즈 샤리프 전 총리에 의해 육군참모총장에 임명됐다.

총리실은 “바즈와 장군은 임기완료일로부터 3년 더 육군참모총장을 수행토록 한다”며 짤막한 통지문을 읽었다. 총리실은 “최근 인도와의 국경지역에서 발생하는 분쟁 등 안보상황을 고려해 내린 결정”이라고 덧붙였다. <번역 김도영 인턴기자>

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Pakistan’s Army Chief gets 3-year extension in his job

Nasir Aijaz AsiaN Correspondent

Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved an extension in the tenure of Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa for another three years, a statement issued by the premier’s office said on Monday. The announcement comes nearly three months before Gen Bajwa was due to retire.

“General Qamar Javed Bajwa is appointed Chief of Army Staff for another term of three years from the date of completion of current tenure,” read the brief notification issued by the prime minister’s office.

It added that “The decision has been taken in view of the regional security environment.” The notification was personally signed by Prime Minister Imran.

Gen Bajwa was appointed as the chief of army staff by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is currently imprisoned, in November 2016.

His extension marks the second time in nearly a decade that the country’s top general had their traditional three-year term extended.

The announcement of the army chief’s tenure extension comes amidst critical developments on Pakistan’s eastern and western frontiers.

Tensions between Pakistan and Indian flared this month after New Delhi decided to strip occupied Kashmir of its special constitutional status and imposed a crippling curfew in the territory that has continued for weeks.

Islamabad angrily slammed the decision, taking the matter to the United Nations Security Council and expelling India’s ambassador and suspending bilateral trade.

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