필리핀항공(PAL), 한국행 신규 노선 늘린다

* ‘아시아엔’ 해외필진 기고문의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

Philippine-Airlines[아시아엔=미구엘 까뮈 필리핀 <인콰이러> 기자·번역 김아람 기자] 2015년?11월 필리핀-한국 정부 항공편 관련 MOU에 따라, 필리핀항공(이하 ‘PAL’)이 한국행 신규 노선을 개설할 예정이다.

양국 정부는 필리핀 발 한국 행 비행 좌석을 기존 2만8500개에서 3만1500개로 총 3천 좌석을 늘리기로 합의했다.

이에 따라 PAL은 필리핀 민간항공위원회(CAB)에 매주 한국행 좌석 1천9백석을 추가하는 신청서를 제출한 상태다. 해당 건은 오는 16일 심의에 들어간다.

이에 대해 CAB는 “혹여 PAL 노선 증편에 불이익을 얻는 항공사가 있다면 적합한 증거와 함께 16일(심의일)까지 제출해달라”고 당부했다.

PAL seeks more flights to Korea

Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) is seeking more flights to South Korea after flying rights were expanded in talks between the Philippine and South Korean governments late last year.

PAL filed an application with the Civil Aeronautics Board for an additional 1,900 seats a week. The filing was made in line with the current confidential memorandum of understanding between both countries.

The CAB said a hearing on the application has been set on March 16 this year.

As noted, the move comes after the Philippines and South Korea held successful air talks in November 2015. Specifically, the Philippines and South Korea negotiated an increase in weekly seats to 31,500 from 28,500 previously.

In the CAB memo, PAL was required to inform other Philippine carriers with scheduled operations to Korea. It said parties opposing the flag carrier’s move must file their written opposition, supported by documentary evidence, on or before the date of the hearing.


기자, kimrm214@theasian.asia

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