악화일로 걷는 터키-러시아···언론인 ‘무비자 입국‘도 철폐

* ‘아시아엔’ 연수 외국기자가 작성한 기사의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=라드와 아시라프 기자·번역 최정아 기자] 오는 15일부로 터키 정부가 러시아 기자들의 입국비자를 제한한다고 밝혔다. <인터팩스>(Interfax)에 따르면 터키 측 관계자는 “앞으로 터키에 입국하는 러시아 기자들은 단기방문을 포함, 입국비자를 발급받아야 한다”고 밝혔다.

이번 조치는 러시아 정부가 지난 1월 “그동안 터키 기자들의 단기방문에 한해 허용됐던 ‘무비자 입국’을 폐지한다”고 발표한 뒤 이뤄졌다.

현지 언론 <타스>(TASS)에 따르면, 현재 터키를 단기 방문한 러시아 언론인들은 무비자 입국이 가능하지만, 앞으로는 단기간 방문할 지라도 영구적으로 입출국이 가능한 비자(permanent accreditation)를 받아야한다.

앞서 지난해 12월 터키 당국은 터키 주재 러시아 언론인에 대한 새로운 법안을 마련했다. 앞으로 러시아 언론인들은 고용주로부터 문서를 발급받아 터키 대사관에 여행 목적과 방문한 시간과 장소를 구체적으로 보고·작성해야한다. 또한 누구를 인터뷰했고, 어떠한 목적으로 인터뷰를 진행했는지 또한 밝혀야한다.

한편 터키군은 지난해 11월 ‘자국 영공을 침범했다’며 시리아-터키 국경지역에서 러시아 전투기를 격추했다. 이 사건 이후 양국관계는 악화일로를 걷고 있다.

Turkey imposes entry visa on Russian journalists

As of 15 February, Turkey has decided to impose entry visas on Russian journalists. “Journalists arriving in Turkey on short-term assignments will have to obtain entry visas,” a Turkish embassy official was quoted by the Interfax news agency.

The official said that new measure was in response to a similar decision taken by the Kremlin.”This measure is of a reciprocal nature, as Turkish reporters will also have to obtain visas for work in Russia activated in January 2016″ the official said.

Relations between Turkey and Russia worsened after a Russian fighter jet was downed by Turkish F-16s when it violated Turkey’s airspace near Syria in late November last year. Ever since then Turkey turned into Russia’s number one enemy, as a number of Russian newspapers accused the Turkish government openly of downing the Jet. While Turkey deported a Russian TV producing team after being stopped on Turkish-Syrian borders.

In retaliation for the incident, Russia has imposed sanctions against Turkey at the end of last year in particular, restrictions were imposed on imports of certain Turkish products, terminated the visa-free regime between the countries, under the ban came Charter flights. Later the sanctions were extended. In addition, Russia has urged Abkhazia to follow suit.

According to TASS news agency, until now Russian journalists have needed no entry visas to Turkey for short trips. They need to get temporary accreditation at the Turkish Press and Information Department upon their arrival in Turkey. Under the current regulations, journalists need visas only for permanent accreditation.

In December 2015, the Turkish authorities introduced new rules of obtaining work permits in Turkey for Russian journalists. From now on, Russian journalists need to submit a letter from their employers to the Turkish embassy explaining the trip’s purpose and specifying the place and time of visit as well as the names of people whom they want to interview. It is known if entry requirements “have not changed” for correspondents who constantly work in Turkey.

라드와 아시라프(Radwa Ashraf)

이집트, The AsiaN 중동지부 매니징에디터

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