LS네트웍스·LS전선-파키스탄 ‘K전력’, 98억 규모 계약체결···카라치 전력망 확충 나선다

* ‘아시아엔’ 해외필진 기고문의 한글요약본과 원문을 함께 게재합니다.

[아시아엔=나시르 아이자즈 기자·번역 김아람 기자] 최근 LS네트웍스 및 LS전선이 파키스탄 카라치전력공급회사(KESC, 이하 ‘K전력’)와 8백만달러(98억7천만원)규모의 투자계약을 체결했다.?이로써 파키스탄 대도시 카라치와 인근 2천2백만명에?전력을 공급하는?220KV 지하 송전선이 들어서게 됐다. 기존 송전선 확장으로 전력난에 시달리던 많은 사람들이 혜택을 받게 될 전망이다.

카라치 K전력 본사에서 이뤄진 계약체결식에는 데일 싱크러 K전력 CEO, 제임스 장 LS글로벌비즈니스 총괄, 김진수 글로벌에너지 총괄 등이 참여해 자리를 빛냈다. 지하 송전선 설치 프로젝트를 진행할 빌랄 미르자 K전력 팀장 및 LS 고위관계자들 역시 자리를 함께했다.

K전력 대변인은 “LS그룹이 카라치 기존 전력공급망 개선 및 확장에 지속적인 투자를 해나갈 예정”이라며 “이번 프로젝트가 완성되면 많은 소비자들이 전력을 사용할 수 있을것”이라고 전했다.

한편 K전력은 산업 및 민간 부문의 전기 생산, 공급 업무 등을 총괄하는 카라치 유일의 전력회사로, 직원만 1만1천명에 달하는 대기업이다. 지난 1913년 설립된 이후 두 차례의 민영화를 거친 뒤, 2008년 경영혁신을 계기로 꾸준히 높은 생산성을 기록하고 있다.

Pakistan’s private sector electric company signs $8 million deal with Korean Firms to lay a new Double Circuit 220 KV underground transmission line

In order to continuously upgrade its existing network in Karachi, the capital city of southern Sindh province of Pakistan, the K-Electric has entered into an agreement worth?$8 Million?with LS Network and LS Cable and System Consortium from Korea. As per this agreement, a new Double Circuit 220 KV Transmission Line would be laid in certain areas of port city. This would enhance the transmission network capacity and increase K-Electric system’s stability and reliability by completing 220 KV ring.

The signing ceremony was held at the KE House in Karachi between K-Electric’s Chief of Generation & Transmission?Dale Sinkler, Korean Firm LS’s Global Business General Manager?James Jang?and Director Energy Global?Gisu Kim. K-Electric’s Head of Projects Bilal Mirza along with other senior KE representatives were also present at the signing ceremony.

K-Electric’s spokesperson said that the power utility is continuously investing in not only its existing network but it is investing in the future expansion projects. This new underground Transmission Line would support our Transmission network and the consumers would reap benefits in days to come.

Karachi is the metropolis of over 20 million and is one of the most populous cities in the world. K-Electric Limited formerly known as Karachi Electric Supply Company Limited (KESC)?is at present the only vertically-integrated power utility in Pakistan that manages the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to the city. The Company covers a vast area of over 6,500 square kilometers and supplies electricity to all the industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential areas that come under its network, comprising over 2.2 million customers in Karachi and in the nearby towns.

K-Electric?is also one of the city’s largest employers with nearly 11,000 people currently working for it. It was established one hundred years ago on September 13, 1913 and is one of the oldest companies operational in Karachi. It was set up under the Indian Companies Act of 1882 as the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation ? KESC. The entity was nationalized in 1952 but re-privatized on November 29, 2005. KESC came under new management in September, 2008 and was renamed as the Karachi Electric Supply Company. At this point, it was transformed into a profitable entity and is today a globally recognized example of an unprecedented turnaround.

나시르 아이자즈(Nasir Aijaz)

파키스탄, 아시아엔 파키스탄 지사장, PPI(Pakistan Press International) 편집장

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