[박근혜 대통령 ‘파면’ 해외언론 보도] 터키 메흐멧 오즈타수 기자 “촛불 민심이 대한민국 정의 세우다”

청와대가 뒤로 보이는 전광판에 생중계 되는 헌법재판소 탄핵 인용 결정

박근혜 대통령은 헌법재판소의 탄핵 인용으로 역사상 처음으로 파면되는 대통령이 되었다. 지난 2004년, 당시 노무현 대통령에 대한 국회 의결로 탄핵 소추를 하였으나 헌법재판소가 기각한 바 있다.

박근혜 대통령의 국정농단에 대한 촛불 시민들의 요구로 법적 절차가 진행되어 약 세달간의 수사 과정에서 삼성과의 유착관계를 밝혀내었고 많은 정치인과 경제인이 연루되어 기소되었거나 기소될 예정이다.

S. Korean Constitutional Court ruled on the impeachment case

The Constitutional Court of South Korea ruled on Friday on the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye that she should leave her office over the corruption scandal.

The Constitutional Court of South Korea ruled on President Park Geun-hye to leave her post on the charges of corruption and abuse of power. Park became the first South Korean president to lose office through parliamentary impeachment. During the public protests, the legislature also accused the president of undermining freedom of the press.

According to law, at least six members of the nine-judge Constitutional Court should vote to impeach. She is the first impeached president in Korea. The National Assembly voted in 2004 to impeach President Roh Moo-hyun, but the Constitutional Court reinstated him. Now the new presidential election must be held within 60 days.

The legal process on Park began with the public demonstrations over the president’s corruption scandals in the recent months. After the three-month-length investigation, prosecutors accused Park of bribery chain in the country with the participation of big holdings including Samsung CEO Lee Jae-yong, who is suspected of bribing Park and Choi in exchange for business chain.

After the investigation, dozens of political and business people have been implicated in the scandal. Park’s powers were temporarily suspended after she was impeached by parliament although she has apologized for rocking the country politics but denied the allegations later.

Mehmet Fatih OZTARSU, The AsiaN

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